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  • When does Traitors update?
    The comic has no set schedule...yet.To find out when updates are made, you can watch for them on Twitter,FB and Tumblr by giving the Traitors pages a follow.
  • Who are you?
    My name is Alyssa, but primarily known as Farwin online. I'm a walk-in novice tattoo artist. When I'm not tattooing, I'm working on commissions to survive when the other isn't making enough for that month. I love playing video games but good old D&D tops them all.(unpopular opinion but I like 4e the most) I've been in online art communities for almost 15 years and I like RPing too even though I'm a terrible writer. I think The LOTR trilogy are the best movies ever and I still listen to Enya to this day. My favorite fantasy artist is Michael Whelan. I also hate breakfast foods.
  • How do you make your comic?
    It's a one woman show and I probably make it more complicated than it should be but this is what I do: 1. Watch documentaries while you write as often as you can until it looks like you have a badly written mix of a novella/screenplay. Make a timeline! Write about things you're somewhat knowledgable about. 2. Break it up every few sentences until it looks like those few sentences could be a page and number them and pace it for chapters. 3. Thumbnail the pages in a small drawing pad 4. I send the pictures of the thumbnails to myself and format it to fit a comic page online.(I do these in batches) 5. I send them to myself AGAIN for cleaned up sketches and Lineart which I do in Clip Paint Studio while I'm at work on my Ipad. Google Sketch Up is too confusing for me for interior so I made my homes in Sims LOL. Not entirely accurate but it's good enough. 6. Then I color in Photoshop CS6 and finish with dialogue in CPS again.
  • Is Traitors a romance?
    The FAQ title can be adjusted in the settings tab of the App Settings. You can also remove the title by unchecking its checkbox in the settings tab.
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